In today’s day and age, our world needs to do everything it can to combat global warming and preserve the earth for future generations. Everyone can do their part. Whether you compost, recycle plastics, drive an electric car, or find another way to preserve the environment, you’re helping save the environment. If you use aerosol cans at home, work, or for some other reason, you should take advantage of aerosol can disposal to help save the world around you.n
4 Reasons Why Aerosol Can Disposal Saves the World
Aerosol Cans Can Be Considered Hazardous Waste
nDepending on the contents of the aerosol can, they can be considered hazardous waste. You’ve seen warnings about hazardous waste at hospitals and other locations. Would you just throw an aerosol can in the trash and let that waste seep into the ground at a landfill? By practicing proper aerosol can disposal, you avoid hazardous waste getting into the ground, water, and other areas around your home and community.n
Aerosol Cans Must Be “Empty” to Be Properly Recycled
nMany consumers assume when their aerosol can is empty, it’s okay to be thrown out and doesn’t necessarily need to be recycled. However, just because the aerosol can feels empty if it can still be sprayed, it needs additional steps taken before it can be properly recycled. Since consumers don’t realize this, they’ll often throw it in the trash and forget about it but the remaining liquids and gases in the aerosol can will be buried in a landfill where it could make its way into the ground.n
Aerosol Cans Don’t Breakdown in Land Fills
nMost metals don’t breakdown over time in landfills, including most of the components in aerosol cans. Combine that with a half full aerosol can and you risk the potential of that liquid or gas seeping into the ground at some point in time. By properly disposing of aerosol cans by taking them to a recycling center for consumers or investing in an aerosol can disposal system for warehouses and commercial buildings, you can prevent this from happening.n
Aerosol Cans Hurt the Ozone Layer
nAerosol cans that were packed with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the 1960s and 1970s were proven to have an effect on the earth’s ozone layer. While companies have found ways to make aerosol cans have less of an impact on the ozone layer, they still pose a risk to the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. While aerosol cans have a long shelf-life, when thrown in the trash instead of being recycled, those cans put our ozone layer and world around us at risk.nnAs you can see, aerosol can disposal is more important than ever to reduce our carbon footprint and help save the world around us. By understanding how aerosol can disposal can affect the environment, you can take steps to recycle your aerosol cans and save the planet.