Nov 10 2014nnThere are three general types of hazards that workers face when using aerosol cans in the workplace. Pressurization issues can cause aerosol cans to explode due to accidental punctures, faulty valves, excessive temperatures or corrosion. To avoid injuries such as burns, these products must be stored and operated properly. The second hazard involves the product the can houses. Often times the product itself is inherently hazardous, examples being insecticides, paints and cleaners. Even cans that are partially empty can be legally considered hazardous wastes. Third, many of these products are flammable creating fire hazards.nnBecause of the hazardous nature of aerosol cans and the products they carry, individual states have their own sets of laws governing how these products are to be disposed of. There are thousands of communities setting up programs for residential neighborhoods and manufacturing companies to assist in aerosol can disposal. The steel industry has teamed up with aerosol can manufacturers to come up with cost effective disposal systems and programs for revenue from scrap sales. Whether you are in need of a simple household aerosol can disposal system or one for use in business, Newstripe, Inc in Aurora, CO can help. Recycling these hazardous cans and the substances they house will help reduce waste and save our earth’s resources.