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Newstripe, Inc. purchases Campbell Hausfeld Airless Spray Pump Division

May 5 2017






Campbell Hausfeld Airless Spray Pump production


Aurora, CO –  Newstripe, Inc. purchases Campbell Hausfeld Airless Spray Pump Division


Newstripe Inc. is pleased to announce, that in June 2015, it purchased all manufacturing assets of the Campbell Hausfeld Airless Pump Division and moved them to its Aurora, Colorado manufacturing facility. Newstripe is now in full production, manufacturing the high-pressure airless spray pumps and all related parts and components.


According to Ralph Newman, president of Newstripe, “This is a perfect fit. Previously, we were private labeling these pumps for use on our line of airless paint striping equipment. Bringing the manufacturing in-house gives us total control of quality and availability.  It has made a huge improvement.”


Newstripe also intends to market OEM replacement parts for the pumps previously sold by Campbell Hausfeld.  It is estimated that 40,000 of these pumps are still in use.


Newstripe, Inc. manufactures all of its product in the USA.  The major product groups are:


 Pavement and Athletic Field Striping and Markings


 Athletic Field Grooming and Maintenance


 Crushing and Compaction Equipment


 Aerosol Can Disposal and Recycling


Industrial Stencils


For more information concerning this release please go to or contact:


Ray KrebsnNewstripe, Inc.n1700 Jasper Street Unit FnAurora, CO  80011n1-800-624-6706nFax: (303) [email protected]

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New Product Launch – Safe2Vent

 May 17, 2017






nAurora, CO: Newstripe, Inc.  announces the launch of the new Safe2Vent™ Drum Vent Filter. It is the world’s only aerosol can disposal system filter with the Viz-a-Ball™ indicator to show when the unit is completely depressurized and safe to open.nnThis revolutionary design keeps the operator safe by complying with OSHA, EPA and California regulations which require a closed drum and the prevention of vapors escaping into the atmosphere after processing. The Safe2Vent™ is compatible with all manual, single can aerosol disposal systems, making any unit safer to operate.nnAdditional carbon media, replaceable cartridges, and a lower price than competitors make the Safe2Vent™ more cost effective than any other drum vent filter.nnAbout Newstripe, Inc.nFounded in 1981, Newstripe, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with a global presence. Known in the industry for delivering extraordinary service, innovation and upholding a high level of standards, Newstripe continues to improve and expand their product lines. For more information, please visit or by calling 1(800) 624-6706.

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Innovation in Football Hash Mark Painting

July 2017







nnAurora CO: With the release of the revolutionary new HASHMARK MASTER II™, Newstripe has done it again, this time in an even bigger way. Newstripe’s HASHMARK MASTER II™ is the second installation in the HashMark Master series. The latest version unleashes the capacity to work on both high and low pressure striping machines. This unprecedented enhancement makes what many consider the best hash mark painting machine in the industry, even better.nnLike the original version, the HASHMARK MASTER II™ quickly attaches to most Newstripe walk-behind striping machines. Using the machines own spray gun, one person can paint hash marks five times faster than most other methods.nnThe operator follows the automatic measuring guide from one hash mark to the next, paints it and moves on. It is that simple. Plus, being priced as low as $495.00 the HASHMARK MASTER II™ will pay for itself the first few times it is used.nnAs the pioneers in football hash mark painting innovation, Newstripe continues to meet the challenges and needs of its customers. Go to for more information on the HASHMARK MASTER II™ and other hash mark painting products.nnAbout Newstripe, Inc.nnFounded in 1981, Newstripe, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with a global presence. Known in the industry for delivering extraordinary service, innovation and upholding a high level of standards, Newstripe continues to improve and expand their product lines. For more information, please visit or by calling 1(800) 624-6706.

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Newstripe Introduces The AeroVent Standard™

Aurora, CO.   (February 9, 2017) – Newstripe is pleased to announce the release of the new AeroVent™ Standard. This model features the same trusted design of the AeroVent 1X with a simplified economical filter. Designed for the low-volume budget-conscience waste generator, who does not require a cycle counter or convenience of the Viz-a-Ball indicator, the AeroVent™ Standard still maintains the highest in safety standards. The totally enclosed chamber prevents potential blow back into the operators face. The Safe2Filter carbon filter utilizes a simple check valve to close the filter when not in use for compliance with EPA, OSHA and California regulations. For more information about the new AeroVent™ Standard, please visit

About Newstripe, Inc.

Founded in 1981, Newstripe, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with a global presence. Known in the industry for delivering extraordinary service, innovation and upholding a high level of standards, Newstripe continues to improve and expand their product lines. For more information, visit or call 1(800) 624-6706.

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4 Reasons Why Aerosol Can Disposal Saves the Environment / 10.24.16

In today’s day and age, our world needs to do everything it can to combat global warming and preserve the earth for future generations. Everyone can do their part. Whether you compost, recycle plastics, drive an electric car, or find another way to preserve the environment, you’re helping save the environment. If you use aerosol cans at home, work, or for some other reason, you should take advantage of aerosol can disposal to help save the world around you.n

4 Reasons Why Aerosol Can Disposal Saves the World


Aerosol Cans Can Be Considered Hazardous Waste

nDepending on the contents of the aerosol can, they can be considered hazardous waste. You’ve seen warnings about hazardous waste at hospitals and other locations. Would you just throw an aerosol can in the trash and let that waste seep into the ground at a landfill? By practicing proper aerosol can disposal, you avoid hazardous waste getting into the ground, water, and other areas around your home and community.n

Aerosol Cans Must Be “Empty” to Be Properly Recycled

nMany consumers assume when their aerosol can is empty, it’s okay to be thrown out and doesn’t necessarily need to be recycled. However, just because the aerosol can feels empty if it can still be sprayed, it needs additional steps taken before it can be properly recycled. Since consumers don’t realize this, they’ll often throw it in the trash and forget about it but the remaining liquids and gases in the aerosol can will be buried in a landfill where it could make its way into the ground.n

Aerosol Cans Don’t Breakdown in Land Fills

nMost metals don’t breakdown over time in landfills, including most of the components in aerosol cans. Combine that with a half full aerosol can and you risk the potential of that liquid or gas seeping into the ground at some point in time. By properly disposing of aerosol cans by taking them to a recycling center for consumers or investing in an aerosol can disposal system for warehouses and commercial buildings, you can prevent this from happening.n

Aerosol Cans Hurt the Ozone Layer

nAerosol cans that were packed with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the 1960s and 1970s were proven to have an effect on the earth’s ozone layer. While companies have found ways to make aerosol cans have less of an impact on the ozone layer, they still pose a risk to the air we breathe and the ground we walk on. While aerosol cans have a long shelf-life, when thrown in the trash instead of being recycled, those cans put our ozone layer and world around us at risk.nnAs you can see, aerosol can disposal is more important than ever to reduce our carbon footprint and help save the world around us. By understanding how aerosol can disposal can affect the environment, you can take steps to recycle your aerosol cans and save the planet.

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3 Tips for Painting a Football Field / 11.01.16

Painting a football field seems straightforward to anyone who hasn’t tried before. If you’ve seen videos online of the National Football League (NFL) prepping for Sundays, you might think it takes a team of trained workers to get the job done right. You don’t have to be trained by the NFL to paint a football field before the big game. With these three tips, you’ll be painting a football field like a pro in no time.n

3 of the Best Tips for Painting a Football Field

nKeep in mind that painting a football field will never be an easy or quick task. By understanding that and planning before you begin, you can paint a football field that players will appreciate and will help fans keep track of the action.n

Maintain the Field Before You Paint

nBefore you begin painting a football field, make sure you mow the field and maintain it in the days leading up to the game. By maintaining the field, you make it easier to paint along with helping the paint last longer. Ensure the grass or turf isn’t wet when you paint. Check weather conditions before, during, and after the painting process to make sure it has time to dry.n

Use the Right Equipment and Accessories

nInvest in a quality paint striper for your football field. The right striper for your field can make the process more efficient and give you a better look when finished. Make sure to invest in string and learn how to use it effectively to paint straight lines. Stencils for your numbers, logos, and other aspects of the football field will make the look of the field more recognizable.n

Make Sure You Have Enough Man Power

nYou want at least three people to paint any football field. This just makes it easier, especially if you’re painting the field just a few days before a game. Two of these people will help move the strings for straight lines while the third person does the actual painting.nnSome other quick tips for painting a football field include painting on the side of the string used to mark lines versus the middle; keep warm water handy to help clean up oversprays and other mistakes; and when painting a logo, make sure to use a white base coat to make the logo pop.nnPainting a football field doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming. With proper planning, the right tools at your disposal, and practice, you can paint the field like the pros.n

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How to Recycle Aerosol Cans / 11.22.16

If you use aerosol cans in your home, understanding how to recycle the cans properly is essential. Aerosol cans have an environmental impact and are considered hazardous waste when the cans aren’t fully used in many locations. If you use aerosol cans, recycling them is the right thing to do for the world around you. Let’s look at how to recycle aerosol cans so you can do your part to help save the environment.n

How to Recycle Aerosol Cans Properly

nRead the directions and warning on each aerosol can you buy. These instructions will tell you how to use the can, along with how it should be disposed. Since the chemicals being used in each can will vary from product to product, you may need to recycle the can differently. Make sure to follow the instructions for disposal on the can.nnMake sure the can is empty by shaking it; if you don’t feel any liquid moving around, it’s empty. You can also make sure the can is empty by pressing down on the nozzle and ensuring it’s not clogged. If nothing comes out, even after shaking it, you’re safe to bring it to a recycling center for processing. As long as an aerosol can is empty, consumers assume they can throw the can in the trash. This just isn’t true. These cans should still be recycled to reduce their environmental impact.nnIf the can isn’t empty or you can’t tell for sure, you should take the aerosol can to a recycling center for proper disposal. Don’t try to take the nozzle off, puncture the can, or crush it at home to make to make it small. Let the recycling center use the tools at their disposal, like aerosol can crushers, to take care of the can for you.nnBy trying to modify the aerosol can, you can cause it to explode due to the pressurized nature of how aerosol cans work. Never throw away a partial or full aerosol can in your regular trash can either. Since the chemicals inside can be hazardous waste and impact the environment, you want to hold onto the cans in a safe place until you can bring them to a recycling center.nnNot all recycling centers can recycle aerosol cans, so make sure to call ahead and ensure they can take them. In some locations, cities have specific places you can take aerosol cans and other products to be recycled. Check your city’s website or give them a call to find out where you can recycle partial or full aerosol cans safely.

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Discontinued: Original AeroVent Filter for Aerosol Can Disposal / 10.26.18

Newstripe recently developed and launched superior replacement filters for all manually-operated Aerosol Can Disposal machines. These new Safe2Vent Filter Assemblies are safer, longer lasting, more economical, and environmentally friendly. Plus, they are direct replacements for all brands of aerosol can disposal systems currently available.nnConsequently, the original AeroVent Filters  (10001940 / 10001941 / 10001860) are being discontinued.nnFor more information on these new line of filters and how to select the correct one for your application, please click here or reach out to the Casey Newman ( 800-624-6706 / [email protected]).nn

nnUPDATEnnFREE UPGRADE AVAILABLE: Receive a full Safe2Vent® Filter Assembly or Safe2Vent® Dual Filter Assembly** with the purchase of this product or any other item that includes a Safe2Vent replacement filter cartridge(s) (OFFER VALID THOUGH 7/1/2019). To be eligible for the upgrade, you must be transitioning from an older filter model to the new Safe2Vent® filter. To receive your free upgrade, simply complete the following two steps:nn1) Purchase a replacement Safe2Vent® filter cartridge(s) or any AeroVent® 1X or AeroVent® 3X maintenance kit.n2) Enter the phrase “Safe2Vent upgrade” along with the serial number of your AeroVent machine into the “Order notes” of the checkout page.nnFor single can models, we send you a Safe2Vent® Filter Assembly in place of a filter cartridge. For AeroVent 3 (three can models), we will send you a full Safe2Vent® Dual Filter Assembly** in place of two filter cartidges (**requires an order consisting of at least two filter cartidges). Limit one filter assembly upgrade per serial number.nnCasey NewmannnNewstripe, Inc.nn1700 Jasper St Unit FnnAurora, CO 80011nn1-800-624-6706nnFax (303) 364-7796nn 

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Selecting an Aerosol Can Disposal System / 08.31.20

A wide variety of major industries utilize aerosol cans, spanning industrial manufacturing, municipalities and vocational education, among others. What happens to an aerosol can after it has reached its useful life?nnProper disposal guidelines dictate that pressurized aerosol cans are typically sealed in a drum to be processed as hazardous waste at a landfill or facility. The cans are considered to be hazardous because they contain a liquid hazardous waste or are still pressurized, which may cause them to potentially explode at the landfills. Companies that do not dispose of aerosol cans properly risk paying hefty fines.nnProperly disposing of the cans, however, will save landfill space and reduce hazardous waste. Additionally, the processed cans may be sold as recyclable steel.nnSelecting the correct Aerosol disposal system allows persons to stay clean and mess free while remaining fully compliant with OSHA and EPA standards.nnNewstripe’s AeroVent Aerosol Disposal System helps you safely recycle your aerosol cans for recycling and assists environmentally-sensitive companies legally dispose of spent aerosol cans.nnAll our systems are easy-to-use. Mount the puncturing device onto any standard 30- or 55-gallon drum. Insert a can upside down and clamp into position. Activating the device penetrates the can with an angled pin. Remaining liquid contents pour out into the drum, along with the propellant and drains any remaining product along with the propellant into the sealed drum. A carbon filter absorbs any vapors and odors from the drum. Once full, dispose of it as hazardous liquid waste according to appropriate regulations.nnThe AeroVent Aerosol Can Disposal System is safe and the enclosed chamber protects the operator when puncturing and draining.nnThe system is easy to use along with being versatile and is EPA, RCRA, OSHA compliant.nnBy using an Aerosol Can Disposal System companies minimize the high expense of hazardous waste disposal utilizing the legal, easy way to turn empty aerosol cans into recyclable steel.n

Aerosol Can Disposal issues

nAs noted earlier, leftover materials in partially filled cans may qualify as hazardous waste. If a can is found to be inoperative or malfunctioning, returning it to the supplier will prevent the user from having to treat it as hazardous waste.nnCans that are punctured and drained are not considered to be hazardous waste and may be recyclable. Companies that use a significant number of aerosol cans may wish to consider aerosol-puncturing equipment, which allows the contents of cans to be safely removed and prepared for disposal.nnAerosol cans are normally manufactured from thin sheets of steel. The products they hold are highly pressurized with a number of types of hydrocarbon propellants, from carbon dioxide or butane or propane. In recent years, some scientists and environmental activists have linked chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellants to decreases in the planet’s ozone layer. Most manufacturers have shifted to propellants that are thought to be less damaging to the atmospherennAerosol cans should never be placed in fires or heated locations, because they may explode, and the propellant may be flammable. Cans that are still pressurized may also burst if place in a garbage compactor.nnIf cans that contain hazardous wastes are to be disposed, they should be placed in a special closed container displaying markings indicating that the waste is hazardous. The labeling should also indicate the specific types of waste and the date when the container began to be used. Keep records of when and how the waste was disposed or recycled.n

Why are aerosol cans dangerous?

nAerosol cans are dangerous because of the unusual mix of substances stored under pressure inside the metal canister. Even if the active ingredient is not a hazardous chemical (eg, food products) the can is still capable of exploding or turning into a dangerous projectile. The biggest problem with aerosol cans in the workplace is their potential to ignite or explode other Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substance.

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Selecting the Right Field Marking Machine for Your Athletic Fields / 10.12.20

The art of lining fields, rinks, tracks and courts requires the proper materials and some knowledge of science.nnMost dedicated groundskeepers, facilities operators and independent contractors strive to elevate athletic surface preparation to an art form. In fact, some of them may even call themselves artists-and rightfully so. Few things add more visual appeal to a sporting event than the vibrantly marked surface on which it is played.nnBut whether the canvas is acres of turf, a vast span of ice, miles of track or an entire field-house floor of hardwood, these artists need more than just any old paint on their pallet.nnIn selecting marking materials for best results on virtually any given sports surface, artistic flair will fade over time unless a little knowledge of science is added to the mix.nnNewstripe’s athletic field marking equipment is the preferred solution for fields of any type, indoors or outdoors. From walk behind, light-duty field markers to heavy-duty riding equipment, Newstripe’s high-pressure airless technology results in lower paint consumption and professional, bright lines.nWe have a wide selection of field markers for you to choose from. Whether you have a single soccer field, an entire baseball complex or even an airport to mark, we have the equipment and expertise to help you select the field marker that’s right for you.nnNewstripe’s athletic field marking equipment is the preferred solution for fields of any type, indoors or outdoors. From walk behind, light-duty field markers to heavy-duty riding equipment, Newstripe’s high-pressure airless technology results in lower paint consumption and professional, bright lines.nMost competitive low-pressure field markers flood the grass and soil with paint. Newstripe’s high-pressure pumps and precision spray tips provide higher quality lines, arcs and circles by applying a fine spray pattern which coats both sides of the grass blade, not the soil.nnThis results in brighter lines, finishing fields 4x faster and using up to 50% less paint. Newstripe’s high-pressure, airless grass stripers are powered by quality gasoline engines to tackle any field marking application – from small sport clubs to the biggest professional teams.nnFrom a single little league baseball field to a large multiple sport field facility, school or park district, Newstripe has the right field striping machine for you.nCheck out Newstripes line of airless field stripers, including the economical 4250™, the professional 4400™ model and the labor saving 4600™ SP Self-Propelled. Plus, the incredible NewRider 1700 and NewRider 5000 models are the only airless riding field stripers available.nnNewstripe’s large product selection of field marking machines includes every possible item that you might need including Field Marking Paint and Sports Field Paint, Athletic Field Stencils and Athletic Field Marking Machines and we offer products and solutions for nearly every sport including Football Field Layout, Soccer Field Marking, Baseball Field Layout, Tennis Court Marking.nnConsider Newstripe as your one stop resource for all of your Athletic Field Marking equipment and supplies. Our large inventory of products allows you to rest assured that we only offer the highest quality Field Marking Equipment and supplies.nnIf you’re looking to mark your lines with supreme precision, accuracy and quality then Newstripe’s the perfect addition to your ground equipment artillery.